In this one-year, 36-session course, you will learn and master the most important concepts and skills necessary to become a true Tier 1 operator in your market. Here are some things you should know:
Everything in this program is proprietary – you can’t find it anywhere else.
Everything we teach has been battle tested against the best of the best and has proven superior. It was developed by an agent with $3 billion in production who has provided training to national brokerages, publicly traded mortgage and title companies, and home builders and a former Navy SEAL chief and instructor.
All systems, tools, and techniques are absolutely ethical and legal. They are focused on outcome and doing the right thing for the right reasons.
There are no scripts, leverages, neuro-linguistic programming – nothing manipulative whatsoever.
We are offering a path to mastery – we don’t do accountability (other than your assignments), lead generation, or focus on how much you make – those are all up to you – necessary, but up to you. Because of this, our program works quite well with just about any traditional coaching program out there, and we are happy to interface with your other coaches/trainers.
This program is challenging – the toughest in North America. It requires hard work, honesty, reflection, and a real willingness to change, but it is absolutely within the ability of most agents.
What you get:
A program that begins where all others leave off. We say “It is said that showing up is half the battle – we train The Other Half.” Great lead generation only gets you on the field of battle, but what if you constantly face superior opponents?
Direct Interaction with coaches that have some of the best resumes in the world, dedicated to your growth.
Secrets. We will teach you powerful things held in reserve for the best of the best. Sounds silly, but there are things known to those at the very top that matter.
The Truth about the real estate industry. We will free you from the shackles placed on you by an industry that thrives on average.
Insight into creating true value in your business that is immune to market cycles, most competition, and most of the risk and headaches faced by average (and even great) agents.
Protection from digital interlopers like Zillow or AI. Top real estate advisors will never be vulnerable to a slick algorithm and spiffy website. We will teach you to be indispensable.
Confidence that is rooted in your very soul that will allow you to go anywhere, any time and compete against anyone with great results.
The topics:
Initialization – We begin with a full personal behavioral assessment; a deep look into your business and market, and some preliminary goal setting. We believe that a full and brutal look at ourselves is the only way to begin a path to mastery. It’s lively and fun, and you will find out how to bring the best “you” to the program and to challenges going forward.
Mental Toughness – Our specialty. If you are headed to the top of the industry, you need to be prepared. While “Just Do It” might get you to the gym; going into combat (real or in business) requires a much more purposeful approach. We will give you methods to stay centered, course correct, and find endurance under pressure you never knew you had.
Competition – The higher you go, the better the competition. We will help you truly understand the nature of competing, how to spot and evaluate your true competition (it’s almost never who you think it is), and how to bring your A game every time. We go deep into actual differentiation methods that will separate you from the herd.
Databases – Using real estate databases and CRMs is essential – we will teach you a whole new way to look at them and use them for maximum effect. You will create a database based on function rather than form and learn how to get the absolute most from every contact.
Referral Mastery – We will teach you about “high value targets,” which are professional referral sources that offer lifetime streams of high quality prospects. These sources are unobtainable to most agents and include attorneys, CPA’s financial planners, architects, and engineers. Securing their business is an art form and one of the greatest benefits of the Pathfinder program.
Allied Professionals – How would you like to have a network of the best allied professionals in your area who support you and your business? Think of it this way – would you rather have a regular attorney, or the managing partner of a large regional law firm on speed dial?
Specialization – There is no mastery without some sort of specialization. Whether area (geographic farming), product type (luxury), or commercial/investment/land, we can offer insight. We will explore all options and see what interests you.
Reputation – Being the best at something doesn’t do you much good if you can’t be known for it. We will train you how to build a powerful resume, use social media and other tools to promote yourself in a compelling and consistent manner, and how to seek opportunities that yield validation and garner solid business.
Gratitude and Service – We believe that these elements should be a part of your foundation, not a result of your success. We will help you build a synergistic business and good karma.
Market Data and Trends – You need to know more that the statistics put out by your local Board of Realtors/MLS. You must be able to interpret data and become a true advisor to your clients in a manner that exceeds what is typically done. We will train you to know more, see more, and help your clients avoid pitfalls and seize opportunities.
We finish with a review and then we will test you to see what you have retained. Why a test? Because it needs to matter. Because if you elect to move on to our advanced training, we need to know you are ready. No need to worry, this test isn’t to set you back, only to remind you of all that you have accomplished. We also provide you with a certification that you have completed PCT and have gone deep into mastery - something unique you can share with your clients for true differentiation.
We promise you learning and an experience unlike anything you have ever encountered in real estate. We promise to give you our best, have your back, and tell you the truth no matter what. We will become your toughest critic and most devoted cheerleader. You will become the agent that chooses what they want to work on, who they want to work with, and has the most fun being themselves.